February 14, 2023

The Power of Ted van Lieshout: A Deep Dive into the Work of a Prolific Dutch Children’s Author


If you love reading children’s books, you might have heard of Ted van Lieshout. He is a prominent Dutch author, poet, and illustrator known for his lyrical and thought-provoking writing style. Over the years, he has produced a vast body of work that has enchanted children and adults alike. In this blog post, we delve deep into the power of Ted van Lieshout, examining his unique approach to storytelling, the key themes in his work, and the impact he has had on the world of children’s literature.

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His Unique Writing Style

Ted van Lieshout is known for his lyrical and immersive writing style. His books are often written in the form of poems, with vivid descriptions and evocative metaphors that transport readers into his stories. He also has a unique ability to tackle complex and sometimes taboo subjects in a way that is accessible to children. For example, in books like “Rond vierkant vierkant rond,” he explores the experience of gender identity with sensitivity and compassion.

The Key Themes in His Work

One of the recurring themes in Ted van Lieshout’s work is the exploration of identity. Many of his books focus on characters who are struggling to understand who they are and where they fit in the world. He also often deals with themes of loss and grief, examining how characters cope with the death of loved ones or the end of relationships. Another significant theme in his work is the importance of art and creativity, which he celebrates in many of his books.

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Social Commentary

In addition to exploring complex emotional themes, Ted van Lieshout often offers social commentary in his books. For example, in “Ze gaan er met je neus vandoor,” he examines the dangers of consumerism and the way advertising can manipulate our desires. Similarly, in “Zeer kleine liefde,” he looks at how society stigmatizes same-sex couples and children from non-traditional families.

The Impact of His Work

Ted van Lieshout’s work has had a significant impact on the world of children’s literature. He has won numerous awards for his writing, including the prestigious Gouden Griffel (Golden Quill) award, and his books have been translated into many languages. He is also a vocal advocate for the importance of children’s literature, speaking out on issues like the lack of diversity in the publishing industry and the need for more books that address complex themes.

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The Role of Illustrations

Ted van Lieshout is not only a talented writer but also an accomplished illustrator. He often illustrates his own books, adding an extra layer of depth and meaning to his stories. His illustrations are whimsical and expressive, capturing the mood of his writing and engaging readers’ imaginations.

Adapting His Books for the Screen

Many of Ted van Lieshout’s books have been adapted for the screen, including the popular TV series “Toen was geluk nog heel gewoon” and the movie “Zeppelin.” These adaptations have introduced his work to new audiences and helped to cement his place as one of the greatest children’s authors of our time.

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In Conclusion

The power of Ted van Lieshout lies in his ability to write deeply emotional stories that resonate with readers of all ages. His unique style and his willingness to tackle complex themes make his work stand out in the world of children’s literature. By exploring issues like identity, loss, and art, he encourages children to think deeply about themselves and the world around them, making a lasting impact that will stay with them for years to come.


Q. What are some of Ted van Lieshout’s most famous books?

Some of Ted van Lieshout’s most famous books include “Gebr.,” “Mijn meneer,” and “Boer Boris,” among many others.

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Q. Has Ted van Lieshout won any awards for his writing?

Yes, Ted van Lieshout has won numerous awards for his writing, including the Gouden Griffel (Golden Quill) and the Woutertje Pieterse Prize.

Q. What themes does Ted van Lieshout often explore in his books?

Ted van Lieshout often explores themes of identity, loss and grief, the importance of art and creativity, and social commentary.

Q. What is Ted van Lieshout’s approach to dealing with complex subjects in his books?

Ted van Lieshout approaches complex subjects with sensitivity and compassion, and he has a unique ability to make these topics accessible to children.

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Q. Why is Ted van Lieshout an important advocate for children’s literature?

Ted van Lieshout is an important advocate for children’s literature because he believes that it can play a crucial role in helping children understand themselves and the world around them. He also speaks out on issues like the lack of diversity in the publishing industry, advocating for more books that represent a wide range of experiences.


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