January 28, 2023


Alioun Fall, a young entrepreneur who hails from Senegal, Africa, is an inspiration to many. From humble beginnings, Alioun worked hard to achieve his dreams and create change in his community. Today, he is the founder and CEO of ImpactEDU, a non-profit that aims to provide educational opportunities to disadvantaged students. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the success story of Alioun Fall and explore how he became an influential entrepreneur.

Alioun Fall’s Early Life:

Alioun Fall grew up in Senegal, a country where poverty and limited resources affected many families. Despite the challenges, Alioun’s parents always instilled in him the value of education. Alioun attended school regularly and excelled academically.

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From Africa to the United States:

Alioun’s passion for education eventually led him to the United States. He landed a scholarship to attend college in Ohio, where he received his degree in Information Technology.

Entrepreneurial Journey:

After graduation, Alioun started working as a software developer but soon realized that his true passion lay in using technology to solve social problems. He began working on his first start-up, One Million Backpacks, a non-profit that provided backpacks filled with school supplies to children in need.


Today, Alioun is the founder and CEO of ImpactEDU, a non-profit that aims to bridge the gap between education and technology. Through ImpactEDU, Alioun provides disadvantaged students with access to technology, curriculum, and support that they need to succeed.

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Recognitions and Achievements:

Alioun’s efforts have not gone unnoticed. He has received numerous accolades, including Forbes 30 Under 30 in Education, Grist 50 Fixers, and Echoing Green Fellowship.

Change in Communities:

Alioun’s work has had a significant impact on his community. Through One Million Backpacks and ImpactEDU, he has helped thousands of young people get access to education and technology. His work has also inspired others to get involved and make a difference.

Challenges Faced by Alioun:

Despite his success, Alioun faced significant challenges. Building a non-profit from scratch is not easy, especially when working with limited funding and resources. However, Alioun’s persistence and hard work helped him make progress and impact change.

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Lessons to Learn from Alioun:

Alioun’s journey teaches us that with hard work and determination, we can overcome any obstacle. His success story also highlights the importance of using technology to solve social problems and create change in our communities.


Alioun Fall’s success story is an inspiration to many. His journey from humble beginnings to becoming an influential entrepreneur shows us that with hard work and determination, we can achieve our dreams and create change in our communities.


Q1. What led Alioun to start One Million Backpacks?

Ans: Alioun’s passion for education and his desire to help children in need led him to start One Million Backpacks.

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Q2. How does ImpactEDU help disadvantaged students?

Ans: ImpactEDU provides disadvantaged students with access to technology, curriculum, and support that they need to succeed.

Q3. What challenges did Alioun face while building One Million Backpacks?

Ans: Alioun faced significant challenges, including limited funding and resources.

Q4. What recognitions and achievements has Alioun received?

Ans: Alioun has received numerous accolades, including Forbes 30 Under 30 in Education, Grist 50 Fixers, and Echoing Green Fellowship.

Q5. What lessons can we learn from Alioun’s journey?

Ans: Alioun’s journey teaches us that with hard work and determination, we can overcome any obstacle, and using technology to solve social problems can create change in our communities.

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